After our color crit today i realized my poster doesnt have the BOOM a poster must possess. I can correct this by livening up the colors of the photos. I also need to find a way to make the name really poster just needs more and more work. I have also been working on the bars poster as well and refining it. In the end i would like 2 successful posters. ...what do you think! I need to watch my leading!
Well, they're better already! I would try a few iterations of each. In the vertical you can try moving the vertical columns around to see how that affects the impact, also try some type alterations such as running the lecture title vertically DOWN, to go in the opposite direction of the elements going up. Maybe the brick photo can be distorted to get all the bricks running 90 degrees.
The colors in the second poster images are much better as well. Try playing with the name arrangement some more, for example PINELES bigger and base-aligned with CIPE.
I'd say 5-10 iterations of each would do it. :)
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