Friday, November 13, 2009

Vis Lang: Game ideas

Board ideas

Game one

All the players gather around the board. The dealer need to then set up the board. All the cards must be placed in the board in the designated spots. Then the dealer must pass out the feed back paper. You pass out as many sheets to each player as there are players in the game. Each player will need one piece of paper per other players involved in the game. Then you need pull out the bags for all the different elements and set them next to the board to be used when game begins. The player to the left of the dealer get to play first.

The first player now takes on the role of the SENDER. As the sender player one must draw one card from each of the different piles, message, channel, receiver, and noise. From these cards player one will know what and how they are going to try to communicate. The first card that player one must take into consideration first in the MESSAGE card. On this card Player one will receive their word or concept they are going to be trying to push through the model to their receivers. Player one then looks a the noise card. This card will specify the specific challenges or specification in which need to be enforced when constructing the message. Then player one needs to look at the CHANNEL card. This card will state what size canvas you may use to relay your message, whether it be teeny tiny or very large. The next card to add to your elements in the RECEIVER card. This card lets player one know who will be looking at their message after it is completed. This can be to left or right, or the whole group or just the girls. After the receiver makes their guesses and critique of what they see in the dot image Player one then has a chance to make some corrections and alterations. After player one has made their corrections or alterations all the other players are to guess the message the sender was trying to convey. The other players then write their answers on the feed back paper and give them to the sender. The sender then reveals the message card to the other players and the point are dealt out as followed


1 correct guess.............5 points

2 correct guesses.........10 points

3 correct guesses........15 points


correct guess..........20 points

wrong guess no points

then the player to the left of player one goes next and repeats the process. The person with the most points after all players have gone is the winner and the best communicator

Game two


All the player gather around the game board.The dealer needs to then set up the board. All the cards must be placed on the board in the designated spots. Then the dealer must pass out the feed back paper. You pass out as many sheets to each player as there are players in the game. Each player will need one piece of paper per other players involved in the game.The player to the left of the dealer goes first. Player 1 draws a message card that has a word or phrase on it, a channel card lets you know what surface you will be sending this message through on: ex. post it, 8x11, hand, table, napkin, receiver card, this is who will receive the message ex, to the left, right, whole group, noise card has an obstacle on it such as use left hand or spin around 10 times before you design your message. So after player 1 has all of their cards the dealer turns over the timer and player one designs their message and pass it to who ever it said on the receiver card. That person is then player 2 and they draw a feedback card with an addition to the message card such as an adjective that will turn the original message in some way. Then the receiver also picks a noise card to get see their obstacles. The dealer then flips the timer and player 2 constructs their message on top of player ones message. Then player 2 reveals the finished product to the all the players and each player guesses the message player 1 and player 2 were trying to convey. The points are passed out as followed:

Sender Points

1 correct guess.............5 points

2 correct guesses.........10 points

3 correct guesses........15 points

Reciever Points

1 correct guess.............5 points

2 correct guesses.........10 points

3 correct guesses........15 points

audience points if they guess the correct message or intent of player 1 and 2 they receive 10 points. The person to the left of player 1 goes next.

Card ideas
Receiver cards:
to your left
to your right
the person across from you
the whole group
all the females
all the males
who ever your choose
no one

Message cards:

feedback cards:

channel card:
8 1/2x 11
your choice

Noise Card
sing the alphabet while designing
use left hand only
use right hand only
spin around 10 times before time starts

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