Wednesday, September 8, 2010

MX _Conceptual Designs

1. need- to identify personal style trends

solution- an online style test to categorized the users design trends and style

2. need-best price for specific design item

solution- using the barcode scanner on iphones.

3. need-to identify an era of an antique

solution- upload a photo to be identified by crowd-sourcing

4. need-find a design firm to hire near you

solution-an app for locating the firm near you

5. need-cheap materials for a specific product

solution- if a member finds this product they can flag the location of the requested post

6. need-to match/find specific pantone color

solution- upload a picture or image of the color you are looking for and color is found

7. need-diy step-by-step instructions

solution- multi media ways to view diy instuction for projects such as videos photos or just text based directions. Download instructions based on project.

8. need-a physical place to gain inspiration from (not screen based)

solution-if you go to a place you feel is inspiring then you can flag it for members to go and visit themselves.

9. need-help with designing based on various budget

solution-design calculator where you can enter a specific dollar amount and you can learn where you can spend your money to complete the design.

10. need-to find what couch is right for me

solution- a tag based system that would allow you to see all napable couches vs. a structured decorative couch.

Survey of needs.

11. need-designing for a tiny space( or a large place)

solution- having an adjustable tag system based upon size specification to tailor displays relevant to you needs.

12. need- access to inspiration

solution- browse members and professionals galleries and portfolios, daily alerts for inspiration, design of the day catered to you.

13. need-feedback on a room you have designed

solution- comments allowed under each design from members as well as a rating system from the members.

14. need-where to buy items in specific showcased designs

solution- being able to click on items in the picture and they link to sites to buy that item, or how it was made.

15. need-for a system to know what level of creditability to give comments or suggestions made.

solution- separate profiles for the "professionals" and the "DIYers" own distinguishing terms for each level of expertise. An icon system could be developed to visually distinguish.

16. need- call of help or request (tip)

solution-symbol to identify when you need help or to alert members that your post in asking for help and it could pop up on the experts (in that areas)


17. need-find a quality products and services

solution- having and area where people can post exceptional items they have found that they are pleased with as well as posting or flagging items or people they have interacted with that are less than satisfactory. Using the group to experience to your advantage.

18. need-find and idea for the clueless designer

solution-randomizer based on past searches tags to build a design for them. For the people who want a change but dont know what.

19. need- to redesign their home without a designer.

solution- an online designer that you can checking with a consult but dont feel as burdened and taken controlled by.

20. need- to know what your room design is going to look like before you actually do it

solution- Creating your virtual space, design it on line based upon items uploaded and found online. Projector for the ideas to see how they would layout in your room.

21. need- To rearrange your room

solutions- plug in the dimensions of your room and pieces of furniture then it will calculate all of the various possibilities to move the furniture to.

22. need- A full color pallet.

solution- A system such a "kuler" that shows the user groupings of colors to use.

23. need- Praise and feedback on your designs.

solution- having your space featured for being a good design.

24. need- For professionals to be able to post their designs online.

solution- A program where professionals or semi-professionals to upload their portfolios where they can gain cliental get feedback.

25. need- Locations based designs.

solution- finding articles or grouping designs by regions so you can find designs based on where you life or specific challenges such as high ceilings.

26. need- before and after images of designs

solution- time elapsed videos for people to watch redesigns at real time or speed up to show the change

27. need-to challenge other designers to be the best designer in a certain area

solution- design contest and awards to give out creditability.

28. need-to save money and reuse items

solution-have other members posted reusing solutions and tricks to repurpose.

29. need-transition to a new phase in you life, college to adulthood, to having kids.

solution-graphs and stats to show what changes and helps categorize new needs and how to meet them.

30. need -to design over time, dont have the money or time to do all at once.

solution- set up a design plan based on time with a calender to keep you on track.

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