Monday, April 26, 2010

User Experience: user testing idea 1

This was my first initial idea where I wanted to use strong photography to speak for the poetic side of a map. However to keep the viewer engaged in the experience I cut out little detail in each picture to have the viewer try to find what is missing and to take notice to something they may have over looked otherwise.

When Johnna tested this she thought that the images where nice and beautiful, however the size was kind of clunky and hard to handle and keep track of. She suggested a booklet form or something to help the viewer handle them. Also some of the images where taken in weird spots, like in the middle of the street, and why would i want my viewer to stop in the middle of the street? Johnna also spent more time trying to line the images up perfectly that it became more about the game of matching the experience the walk and beauty of the composition. Nice idea but need some other element to tie it together.

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