Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vis Lang: narrowing it down




AGallagher said...

bottom, definitely. It makes it look almost worm-like. As if it should be squirming around in the glass. I love the textures you captured and the colors are great. Nicely done.

jmeurer said...

I agree with abby actually.....but both are very nice images

b said...

the top: gray background gives a negitive feeling, the perspective is dominating, making it appear as if...well lets just say panic "like Im too drunk to drink another" or its like: Jafar(from Aladdin) asking you to drink, hes got some roofy like spells. So Id say this image says/gives off; power, control, desire.

The bottom feels like a wait, the drink is growing stale, maybe because the person just left with some other person, too drunk to remember that they had a drink. So Id say this image says; Distraction.